From Radon, Highways, Air Quality and Estate Solutions – Whitefield Legal Services can cover all Environmental risks on a residential property to large areas of land.

Please contact us for any advice and guidance for a particular property or area of Land and we will identify the correct report for you.

Radon Risk Reports

Radon is a colourless and odourless radioactive gas that naturally occurs in rock and soil but presents a significant risk to health, including increasing the risk of cancer.

And because radon is found everywhere – indoors and outdoors – it makes sense for anyone buying property or building or extending a home to find out if radon gas is present.

WLS offers Radon Risk reports that will estimate the probability of property or land passing the minimum standard or action level for radon gas contamination, including how to reduce the level of radon.

Clients have two Radon Risk report options to choose from: GroundSure Radon Check Search and the Landmark Radon Risk Rating Search.

Commons Registration Searches

Common land, where members of a local community have the right to access and use the land, are a familiar part of the landscape in England and Wales.

Anyone buying land, particularly in rural areas or where access to it comes over open land, needs to establish if that purchase has been registered as common land in accordance with the Commons Registration Act of 1965.

This Act does allow certain members of a community to access the land in question by foot and to use it for certain purposes such as village fetes or grazing. Where land is registered as common, it cannot be accessed by vehicles.

Carrying out a Commons Registration search – sometimes referred to as a Common Land Search – will give a client peace of mind that their purchase is not affected by the law.

The report identifies who the land is registered to, if it is subject to the rights of common and if it is registered under the Land Registrations Act.

Key Features Why this matters
Reveals whether the land or property is listed on the register. Informs client of crucial common land information.
If registered, includes details of the extent, rights and ownership. Provides client with detail on restrictions imposed on use of land.
Includes unique unit number where land or property is registered. Informs client of crucial common land information.